Tag Archives: self-determination

Privy Council: Case Details

This information is taken from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council website. MacKenzie Frank and another (Appellants) v Attorney General of Antigua and Barbuda (Respondent) (Antigua and Barbuda) Case ID: JCPC 2021/0070 Jurisdiction: Court of Appeal of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (Antigua & Barbuda) Case summary Issue The issues on appeal are broadly […]

Barbudans Worldwide

Barbudans Worldwide Dear Fellow Barbudans, Re. BARBUDA LAND RIGHTS CASE AT THE PRIVY COUNCIL LONDON 3rd May 2022 We are writing this letter to seek your assistance in prosecuting the Barbuda Land Rights Case that is due to be heard in the highest appeal court for the Eastern Caribbean, the PRIVY COUNCIL LONDON. The background […]

Privy Council: May 3rd 2022.

boarded up k club

Finally, the long awaited date has been agreed for the hearing in the UK at the Privy Council, in the Paradise Found case.This case which will be instrumental in deciding the land issue dispute between the Barbudan people and the government has been long awaited and costly, and will have implications for all who are […]

National Geographic features Barbuda

Codrington after Irma

Of the many articles written about Barbuda after Hurricane Irma, this one, by Mikki K Harris, a Barbudan descendant, is one of the best. She writes ‘Codrington Village sits adjacent to the Codrington Lagoon in Barbuda. In the aftermath of Hurricane Irma in September 2017, the Antigua and Barbuda government repealed the Barbuda Land Act, […]

UN (OHCHR) respond to Barbudan concern

A letter has been sent (copied below) from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to the central Government of Antigua and Barbuda, asking them to provide more information on the luxury Barbuda Ocean Club development and nearby currently abandoned runway, following a representation to the UN from the people of Barbuda. […]

Council take Government to court

It has been a long established fact that Barbudans contribute substantially to the twin-island state economy and was confirmed when Peter Hill, an economist working with Council, looked at and compared the figures (our cost of living) and effectively argued our case. This ‘tax’ comes back to Barbudans as a subvention – although it has […]

BPM challenge the government in Court

BPM have filed a class action in the court to challenge the unconstitutional Paradise Found Act (which was passed in one day to give immediate access to the lands of Barbuda to Robert De Niro and billionaire James Packer for their ‘Paradise Found’ project) The action contests that the government has compulsorily acquired and taken […]

Life is good on Barbuda – rather be a fisherman than a banker?

Across Europe people are protesting about the state of the economy, youth unemployment is higher than on Barbuda, there are no fish left to catch and no young person can even begin to think about building their own house. But on Barbuda life is good. You cannot eat money!