nature tourism

pink sand beaches
Who needs attractions when you have one of the best natural beach destinations in the Caribbean, if not the world? Famous for our seasonal pink sand which moves according to the tides but can be found in various places at various times of year, until recently we had completely unspoilt beaches on all sides of the island. They are now threatened by over-development on the South coast but in spite of this usually you will still be alone on the beach, except for day tourists and a few guests at the hotels. ALL BEACHES on Antigua AND BARBUDA are open to ALL VISITORS as long as you keep to the foreshore – the area between the high and the low waterline. If there are fences down to the water you can go beyond them on the water-line, they should not be there.
Most of the beaches have no facilities at all so it’s important to remember to take plenty of water and find a place to keep out of the sun for some of the time. Barbuda’s beaches are often windy with strong swells and currents but there are also beautifully calm areas that are perfect for children or non-swimmers, with shallow water and rock pools filled with tiny fish and crabs. The beaches closest to the village are River where the ferry comes in on the south (Caribbean) side, or Two Foot Bay on the north (Atlantic) side. A short boat ride takes you over to Low Bay/Luis Beach on the west. However, the best, most visited of all is Princess Diana (Access) beach.
In some places when you have seen one beach you have seen them all, but in Barbuda each one is different and better than the last. You will find all kinds of interesting rubbish on the Atlantic beaches here if you are a beach-comber, and you are likely to see sharks, turtles, sea birds and other wildlife close up too. There are usually aerial displays provided by pelicans diving close to you and everywhere you swim you will see fish darting about in the water. The beaches further afield also have great names – Fishing Creek, Rubbish Bay, Goat Island, Castle Hill, Pelican Point but you will need a local guide to get to these and they are a long way out often over difficult roads. If you would like someone to take you to find pink sand or to see where Princess Diana stayed, look at our tours page.

frigate bird sanctuary
One of the main attractions on Barbuda is the Magnificent Frigate Bird Sanctuary, situated in Codrington Lagoon. It is a forty-minute boat ride into the mangroves (you MUST stay on the boat and leave the birds undisturbed) This is a spectacular sight even for non-bird watchers. They have few predators here and this nesting site on Barbuda has become one of the most important in the world for these endangered birds.
Note – this area is a protected conservation area-of-special-interest and as such all visitors must comply with local Barbuda Council regulations. Only Barbudan-owned boats are allowed to visit the birds. It is an offence to use your own dinghy or for any other boat to go into the sanctuary at any time. Anyone found breaching these regulations will be reported to the police and removed from the sanctuary.
The local cost of a visit in a Barbudan boat is currently only US$50 per boat of four people, plus US$12 for each person above that number, and the information you will receive from the wonderful local guides is worth the cost alone. More information on this and other birds under bird-watching.

a barbudaful safari
Hire a car or a guide for the day and explore the island. Darby Cave sink-hole is a popular 40 minute walk from Codrington House at Highland, both are worth a visit if only for the view of the Barbuda coastline.There are spectacular caves that can be explored with a guide and in very dry weather the salt ponds at Spanish Point sparkle with crystalline sea-salt that we collect and use in our cooking.

village life and liming – the art of doing nothing
It’s easy to meet local people in Barbuda, mostly through everyday tasks like shopping, or by liming at the village wharf or at basketball. There are several small shops that sell groceries and fresh or frozen food. All supplies have to come by boat or by plane via Antigua, so Barbuda is expensive for Barbudans and visitors alike. The best time to look for fruit and vegetables is when the boat comes in on Thursday night or on Saturday morning. You will see the shops become busy as soon as it arrives – and it sells out fast.
Many people also grow and sell their own produce at different times throughout the year so buy it where you see it as it’s all organically grown and the very best fresh local produce. Fish is brought in at the Lagoon Wharf some days in good weather and look out for Barbudans selling out of a cool-box or vehicle. Our business page lists some suppliers. Locally produced meat is sometimes for sale from a table on the street; there are no butchers shops. The meat is very good and has none of the additives or hormones in mass-produced meat, but you have to clean and prepare it yourself. It helps to remember those posters showing where the fillet steak is on an animal before you buy it!
There are a few variety stores selling essential household items and clothes, some of them have gifts and T-shirts. In the village there are a couple of snack shops and several bars ranging from rum shops to bars with TV or pool table. Most cater for local people so enjoy their lively atmosphere and if you are staying in a village guest house you might want to go out for a beer or two and find out about the island from Barbudans themselves. Visit Byron at the Green Door, see the moon come up or have a night under the stars at Frangipani Glamping, go horse racing, watch football or basketball, go to a church fund-raising breakfast – there is plenty to do on Barbuda.

eating out
The best way to buy our delicious, locally made, freshly cooked food is to go out early to a food fair or to a street barbecue or fish-fry at the weekend, as there are always people cooking on the street and the fish is straight from the sea. Local specialities include various soups, stews made of deer meat, land turtle, lobster, crab, conch, locally raised beef, pork, lamb or goat, with side dishes of rice, fungi, dumplings and salads. Local drinks include soursop, ginger beer, sea moss, and tamarind juices. These sell out early on Barbuda so if you miss them, there are also several cafe’s and local restaurants to try listed here, all selling lovely food in different surroundings. If you are a foodie you will love Barbuda; fresh produce and good cooks.