barbuda land rights
Barbudans have always protected their right to use the extensive lands of Barbuda freely and in common, and this right was enshrined in the constitution by the British under the Barbuda Local Government Act 1976, and later by a UPP (United Progressive Party) Antiguan government, led by Baldwin Spencer, through the Barbuda Land Act in 2007. These laws gave Barbudans through the Barbuda Council administrative rights over Barbuda and as such they have held all land on Barbuda in common, for Barbudans and their descendants, wherever they may live in the world. It means in practice that anyone of Barbudan descent can use up to three areas of land on Barbuda to build themselves a home, for agriculture or for business, free of charge and according to Council regulations. This right to use the land in common and to self-determination for Barbudans, has been firmly established since the end of slavery when Barbudans refused to be moved off Barbuda to Antigua, and more recently in 1981, when it was central to the establishment of a separate and independent Barbuda Council at the Antigua and Barbuda Independence talks at Lancaster House in the UK. This freedom to use the whole island for fishing, hunting and agriculture has sustained the small population through difficult times since then. But when it does not serve the interest of Central Government in Antigua – such as in sand-mining– Barbuda has been consistently neglected.
This land-rights legislation only applies to Barbuda, and not to Antigua; Antiguans are not entitled to free land here or on Antigua. Most Antiguans have had little interest in Barbuda so we believe they should not decide our future, and we contribute to the Antigua economy on an everyday basis when we are forced to make the $400+ flight to and from our sister island, for all our essential goods and services including medical treatment. Antiguan businesses benefit enormously from our regular spending, this was especially noticeable after Hurricane Irma, when most of the aid that was not consumed by ‘government expenses’ was channelled through Antiguan shops, businesses and organisations.
The Barbuda Land Act was a response to other historical attempts to undermine the long term security and identity of the people of Barbuda, and there have been many. Robert Vesco and the Knights of New Aragon, Ed Joiner, Dave Strickland and the Llamas, Bruce Rappaport and Allen Stanford in Antigua… poor leadership and failed projects that have left Antigua and Barbuda an economic backwater, prohibiting genuine positive development on Barbuda and dividing us politically. But Barbudans have always fought back – with litigation over many years, eventually preventing the Antiguan Labour Party Government under Lester Bird’s leadership from continuing to mine Barbuda sand and sell it for their own enrichment.
Since the change of Government in Antigua from UPP back to ALP we have been forced to return to the bad old days of the control of Barbuda land by Antigua Labour Party government ministers. The Land Act has been challenged, the intention being to force major development on Barbudans, to undermine the powers of the Barbuda Council and to monopolise all potential economic benefits from the acres of prime Caribbean ‘real estate’ that exist over here. Prime Minister Gaston Browne’s Paradise Found Bill was part of this process – this 2015 Act was designed specifically to encourage his new economic envoy (the actor Robert De Niro and business partner James Packer to take up another huge area of land on Barbuda in addition to their acquisition of the K Club lease, without reference to Barbudans. Since then the Land Act has been amended by the Prime Minister to facilitate other large projects with long, cheap leases proceeding without any local consultation, intending eventually to give freehold to these foreign so-called investors, and Antiguans who want to buy land on Barbuda. Finally, after the island’s infrastructure was allowed to completely run down and we were called ‘squatters’ by various misguided government supporters, the Land Act was finally repealed, threatening rights that had existed on Barbuda for four hundred years, since the enslaved Africans who are Barbuda’s ancestors lived and worked this land. As the Prime Minister calls for reparation for slavery on a regular basis around the world, he would do well to consider his actions on Barbuda.
So, the sickening land-grab began immediately after Hurricane Irma, even before people were allowed to return home from evacuation in Antigua, as Gaston opportunistically pronounced Barbuda ‘uninhabitable’. A huge area of pristine wilderness was immediately bulldozed, to build an new airport for private jets in the immediate aftermath of a major disaster and soon after our precious wetlands at Palmetto Point were destroyed to build a golf course. Neither of these are currently functional.
John McDonald QC worked with Sir Hilbourne Frank to represent Barbudans in their struggle for land rights throughout this time, and in consultation with local people drafted the Land Act. And now GLAN are also involved in the struggle – we have many supporters around the world – so we start the same story again, as these and other attempts to take Barbuda land are challenged in the courts.
In spite of this many people of different nationalities live and work happily and have families here on Barbuda; Syrian, French, Italian, English, American, and Caribbean nationals from Dominica, Guyana, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Cuba and more. Non- Barbudans can easily and cheaply lease land from a Barbudan resident or from the Council, according to the procedures that were listed in the Land Act, and many do. As a result Barbudans have a unique opportunity to enrich their lives through leasing or renting out a house or a business as is common in other parts of the world. The promotion of leases as a constructive way forward to develop Barbuda land without losing it forever has been continually and systematically ignored by Antiguan Government ministers over the years, coupled with missed opportunities to establish a port of entry, find small scale sustainable tourism projects that employ local people, and pressurise the appalling Antiguan banking system to recognise Barbudan land-rights as title deeds and assist us with loans to facilitate development. We are a beautiful twin island state, there is no need for conflict.
In the future Barbudans at home and abroad will continue to use their skills to sustain their island. The benefits of the small population on Barbuda are evident and these very special destinations are becoming increasingly desirable in an over-crowded world. We know why people want land here so badly – our community has successfully maintained much of what other Caribbean islands have lost – including a variety of wildlife only threatened by insensitive development and major hurricanes. Barbuda has many hundreds of acres of pristine mangrove surrounding the largest natural lagoon in the Eastern Caribbean, the only Ramsar site in Antigua and Barbuda. The acres of salt ponds here support sea birds and sea salt, and miles of scrub protect deer and land turtles, leaving them undisturbed – and we hope it stays this way. More and more visitors to the Caribbean are coming to stay on Barbuda as their favourite island becomes too developed, and when they look for something better they find it here – but it must be Barbudans first who benefit from this.