Category Archives: It’s My Life

Short conversations and memories of life on Barbuda

Eda Frank

Eda Frank recently passed away, she was a neighbour and friend; advice giver, entrepreneur, my Barbuda family and could never be forgotten. Life-long BPM supporter, cook and fund-raiser. Married twice to the same man. Kind and generous, outspoken, opinionated; either passing something to me over the fence or accusing me of taking her chickens. RIP […]

Dorcas Gwendolyn Corrilla Eliza Beazer – Williams


  bb: Hello Dorcas, Tell us about your names… DBW: I was born on 16 October 1965, which makes me 48 years old and I proudly carry these old names from my grandparents. bb: Tell us about your family DBW: My mother recently passed away and I have two brothers, I am the second there […]