Tag Archives: hurricane irma

National Geographic features Barbuda

Codrington after Irma

Of the many articles written about Barbuda after Hurricane Irma, this one, by Mikki K Harris, a Barbudan descendant, is one of the best. She writes ‘Codrington Village sits adjacent to the Codrington Lagoon in Barbuda. In the aftermath of Hurricane Irma in September 2017, the Antigua and Barbuda government repealed the Barbuda Land Act, […]

Phase Two of the UNDP homes repair finally begins.

Phase Two of the EU-funded 5 million euro aid package for Barbuda is officially starting nearly FOUR YEARS after the people of Barbuda lost their homes to Hurricane Irma. The first phase – a partnership between the UNDP and the Antiguan government using some Barbudan builders, has already finished re-building the identical one-bedroom homes (pictured […]

Calvin Ayre and Princes Trust joint housing project

Finally, nearly three years after Irma, an agreement is in place and a contractor has been found to build the first phase of the Wa’omoni Cottages housing project. The local builder is Antiguan.  Calvin Ayre is one of Gaston’s economic envoys – a bit like Robert de Niro, but for internet gaming.

Hurricane Irma – September 6th 2017

Irma over Barbuda

Irma, which was classified as a Category 5 hurricane, was the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic, with wind speeds of more than 185 miles per hour. Irma struck Barbuda in the early morning hours of 6 September 2017 and the village was devastated, 99% of homes received some damage and many were […]