Home | the barbudaful community | barbudaful shopping | B K Fuel Depot Ltd

BK Fuel Depot has all you need to stay on the road – petrol, diesel, oil and an air-line are all available here and you will be assisted by friendly helpful staff. The gas station has a mini-mart that sells car supplies, essential household goods including water, cooking-gas bottles, and snacks and beverages such as soda, wines and spirits. The gas station is on River Road (if you are looking for it, it says G&B Service station) and is open from 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday; from 7am to 5pm on Saturday and on Sunday from 8am – 12 midday.

Barbuda sometimes runs out of gas/petrol/diesel so make sure you fill up while you can. Contact Brandon Walker on (268) 721-3384 for more information or e mail bkfueldepot@gmail.com. Gas and diesel are currently selling at around ec$15 per gallon on Barbuda.