The history of Barbuda is littered with failed projects – from the sublime to the ridiculous to outright criminals. We are still waiting for De Niro at K Club. We are still waiting for Maria Browne at River. Pink Sand came to nothing. The Lighthouse mass-of-concrete is now falling into the sea…the list goes on.
So be warned so called ‘investors’. Just have a look at our history before you imagine you can come to Barbuda and build on it without a partnership with local people. The Barbuda Council was set up to prevent over-development and exploitation by Antigua from happening. It has protected Barbuda land from destruction for many years, otherwise we would already be like St Barts. This website gets many e mails from visitors who love it the way it is. Yes, we need more development so they can stay on Barbuda and we can work, like the days when Palmetto, K Club and Coco Point were open all season, together. But we are rarely offered legitimate projects. And we understand that the benefits of tourism are an illusion.
Which is why we had the Land Act. It is quite clear who we will invite to share Barbuda with us. Anyone else is not going to be welcome. Read it, understand it, and all will be good.