bb: Hello Sherese. Nice to talk to you. Tell us about yourself…?
SF: I am 15 years old. I was born under the sign of Capricorn on 17 December 1988.
bb: what is your background?
SF: I was born in St Croix and came to Barbuda as an infant. I lived in Antigua for two years between the ages of nine and eleven when I attended Sunnyside Tutorial. I returned to Barbuda because I didn’t like it over in Antigua. I have an older brother and three younger sisters.
bb: you attend the Holy Trinity School I believe
SF: Yes, I am in Form 3 with Mrs Sandra Mussington as my form teacher. My favourite subjects are art, science, home economics, and information technology.
bb: I hear that you are good at sport
SF: I am interested in sport, particularly basketball, tennis, and athletics. In my age group I always come first in athletics. In Barbuda I win all the distances, but I prefer the sprints to the long distances. I reached the finals of the 100, 200, and 400 metres in the Inter-School Championships in Antigua this year.
bb: and basketball …
SF: I play for the New Era team in Barbuda. In December 2003 we competed in a tournament against Antiguan teams including Eagles, Wings, and Survivors and a team for Dominica. We reached the finals where we lost to Survivors, whom we had beaten in the earlier rounds.
bb: and tennis …
Oh yes I love tennis. I played tennis at a summer school at the Coco Point Hotel and everyone was very impressed with my game. I am looking forward to the new tennis court being built in the village so that I can play some more.
SF: bb: do you have time for hobbies?
SF: In my free time I enjoy listening to the radio and lyming.
bb: have you advice for young people?
SF: I think young people in Barbuda should wait until they are older before they have sex because AIDS is a very big worry for us all.
bb: Thank you Sherese, we wish you well for the future.