My full name is Odelia Christine Cecelia Deazle. I was born on 2nd June 1999 at Holberton hospital in Antigua, so I am 15 years old. My father is from St Vincent and is a carpenter. My mother works for Barbuda Council and for Barbuda Belle the new hotel resort at Cedar Tree Point. I have eight siblings – four on my fathers and four on my mother’s side.
I went to pre-school and Holy Trinity school and now I’m at Sir Mc Chesney George Secondary school. I have a lot of friends, and I learned a lot. My friend Shaquanza is one of those friends from all that time. I love English literature, English a, Home Economics and History – but I don’t like science and maths. I want to be a journalist or news reporter and to use my language and literature skills. I thought I might be a doctor but I am not very good with hospitals and sick people. I am the new intern for this website and this is my first paid job, I do three hours per week and find news for the website and Facebook page. It’s inspiring and I’m learning things that will help in my career. I’m also entering the Caribana Teenage Pageant competition on May 23rd. I have travelled to the UK and to St Vincent to visit family. It was a very adventurous and fun and I saw things I never saw before like huge buildings.
In Barbuda I love the beach especially at White Bay. I have done a lot of camping out with my mum, family and friends. My favourite Barbuda food? There’s so much, I can’t choose! My favourite drink is passionfruit.
My advice to other young people would be – go after your dreams; don’t let people get the better of you. When you put your mind to something go for it.
My first piece of journalism for the website is about the meeting I went to at the school to decide on the de Niro project.
There was something about that meeting that made me feel emotional, like it was a decision that would have full effect on all of our lives forever. When I first entered the doors of that public meeting I wasn’t surprised at how many persons showed up, they came ready and ready to make a decision. The crowd was so big and loud you couldn’t hear yourself speak, there were so many people you couldn’t even find yourself a seat. It was overbearing, people stood at the windows to have a peak. From the moment I heard/saw the opposers and the proposers start talking on the mike I was frightened. I mean I expected better! They were like cats and dogs just going at each other not knowing when and how to stop. I was disappointed but at the end of the day they came to a conclusion they should’ve thought of from the start. They decided to have a vote, and I thought it was a good idea because everyone should have an opinion. They voted and decided to go on with the project.