Barbudans still living in Antigua who work for Council will have to return to work in Barbuda or lose their job – this is the clear position of the new Barbuda Council who have sent a message to this effect to their workforce on both islands. The Government will evict Barbudans from the shelters soon citing the ‘damage caused’ according to NODS (but we know that some Antiguan officials appear not to be able to say anything with regard to Barbudans without showing contempt for us, and without encouraging Antiguans into a similar state of mind) But it’s true – their supporters who are being paid by Council and doing nothing need to get out of the shelters and out of the cycle of hand-outs and vote-buying that causes us so much grief, and go to WORK. Those Barbudans who choose to remain in Antigua who are working hard at their new lives and who are never recognised in the press – we salute you, your tenacity and your future success.