It has been a long established fact that Barbudans contribute substantially to the twin-island state economy and was confirmed when Peter Hill, an economist working with Council, looked at and compared the figures (our cost of living) and effectively argued our case. This ‘tax’ comes back to Barbudans as a subvention – although it has […]
The court case brought against Council members Devon Warner and Secretary of Council Paul Nedd and other local people has been adjourned until the outcome of the injunction against PLH trying to build a golf course is resolved. What a waste of time and public money this whole business is. Trespassing on your own land? […]
…for propping up a morally (and fiscally) bankrupt government, Mr John Paul DeJoria can have Cedar Tree Point, as well as the whole of the south coast. No public consultation. No information. No end to giving away the best of Barbudan’s beaches to the super-rich. It’s government by Facebook, which is where I found this […]
The Government of Antigua and Barbuda Press Release states: ‘…it is collaborating with the Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and other partners in implementing an innovative green energy electricity hybrid solution for Barbuda. The project will see the installation of a completely new electricity power station, a 720 kWp solar photovoltaic facility, and […]
All sports need funding but the background to our tennis court needs explaining. The court was built on Barbuda with funding from Mr Kelly of Coco Point after a campaign to provide this facility in the village, in memory of the children who were involved in the tragic minibus crash coming back from Coco Point after […]
The history of Barbuda is littered with failed projects – from the sublime to the ridiculous to outright criminals. We are still waiting for De Niro at K Club. We are still waiting for Maria Browne at River. Pink Sand came to nothing. The Lighthouse mass-of-concrete is now falling into the sea…the list goes on. […]
Building work is continuing at SMGSS to add long overdue facilities to the secondary school on Barbuda. This construction work was held up by various things – most recently Covid restrictions – but once it is finished it should greatly improve the educational space here on Barbuda: as long as we can recruit and pay […]
As if Covid itself wasn’t bad enough a worry for our elderly on Barbuda, they are now waiting for the funds they have contributed to all their working lives – their pension. On Barbuda this is especially difficult without someone in a bank to assist you with your finances. Older people may not want a […]
The Antigua government will vote on Thursday on another amendment to the Barbuda Land Act to allow them to reap the biggest prize of all – the dividing up of Barbuda Land to their friends. Although years and years of their attempts to destroy our community – withholding basic services such as electricity, health, education […]
Well, we kinda knew this would happen right? UPP are claiming they can’t let us go (but said nothing worth listening to when the Barbuda Land Act was unconstitutionally repealed in the aftermath of an unprecedented natural disaster). Presumably what they mean by ‘supporting Barbuda’ was in fact just Baldwin Spencer working with Barbudans, not […]