The result of Mondays election proved good for BPM – winning four seats in an election process compromised by the open handing out of cash in the streets by ALP to buy votes, and further by persistent and successful attempts by ALP representatives – ignored by the police on duty – to enter the polling station (Holy Trinity School) throughout the process, intimidating voters and candidates in spite of all in our community being advised by Lorna Simon that this was strictly prohibited.
The long and unecessarily drawn out process of counting the 800+ votes went on until dawn – with the counting of the by-election only starting at 3am.
The results as reported by the Electoral Commission were –
Kendra Beazer (Barbuda People’s Movement) 536 votes
Nadia John (Barbuda People’s Movement) 508 votes
Knacyntar Nedd (Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party) 499 votes
Mackiesha Desuza (Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party) 495 votes
Wade Burton (Barbuda People’s Movement) 491 votes
Asha Frank (Barbuda People’s Movement) 498 votes
The results for the other candidates were as follows:
Jacklyn Frank (Barbuda People’s Movement) 475 votes
Fabian Jones (Barbuda People’s Movement) 475 votes
Neil Gore (Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party) 452 votes
Calvin Gore (Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party) 447 votes
Andrae Lee (Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party) 474 votes
David Shaw (Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party) 424 votes