Author Archives: barbudaful

Eda Frank

Eda Frank recently passed away, she was a neighbour and friend; advice giver, entrepreneur, my [...]

Don’t steal our Fish

Unlicenced fishing boats (including Antiguans – we have DIFFERENT LAWS on Barbuda) are being warned [...]

Surfers Taking Action

‘An anonymous group of activists known as the Save Barbuda movement, in partnership with the [...]

Football on Barbuda

The Antigua and Barbuda Football Association (ABFA) came to Barbuda last week to encourage young [...]

Barbuda Ocean Festival

Taken from Barbudango facebook page – the organisers of our annual Barbuda Ocean Festival, this [...]

Oh that $1 title deed thing again…

The Observer must be having a boring week because they have resurrected this story again. [...]

A message to young Barbudans on Independence Day from the Antiguan Government

Samantha Marshall, the Antigua Government Minister for Barbuda Affairs, delivered a feature address at the [...]

Nothing to celebrate on Barbuda

As the 40th anniversary of Independence Day approaches we reflect on 40 years of neglect [...]

Covid cases rise on Barbuda

Barbuda Council will seek advice regarding the mandatory vaccination programme being enforced on Antigua, after [...]

Yes, we have to pay MORE to be healthy on Barbuda

Barbudan doctor, Dr Deazle asked for equipment to outfit a space for a laboratory on [...]