Construction of the new ‘international airport’ that was begun days after Hurricane Irma hit Barbuda, while Barbudans were still evacuees in Antigua, and before most had even collected their lost posessions, has been halted by a court injunction until a Judicial Review can be heard on 26th September 2018.
Leslie Thomas QC of Garden Court Chambers in the UK said about the case ‘Steady and unabated land clearing for the construction of the airport has been observed by locals for the last year despite major delays, including the return of essential services, in the island’s recovery from Category 5+ Hurricane Irma. The case, expected to be closely followed throughout the Caribbean region and international community, including environmental and human rights communities, could set the stage for similar action across the islands regarding sustainable development planning and ethical government conduct, both critical areas of public interest. This is the latest in a series of legal actions being taken by Barbudans against the Government of Antigua and Barbuda surrounding the attempt to force changes to the land tenure system and introduce unsustainable and speculative developments on the island of Barbuda’.